Source code for inkex.paths

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2018 Martin Owens <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
functions for digesting paths into a simple list structure

import re
import copy

from math import atan2, cos, pi, sin, sqrt, acos, tan

from .transforms import Transform, BoundingBox, Vector2d
from .utils import classproperty, strargs

if False:  # pylint: disable=using-constant-test
    from typing import Type, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple, List  # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from typing import TypeVar

    T = TypeVar('T')

# All the names that get added to the inkex API itself.
__all__ = ('Path', 'CubicSuperPath')

LEX_REX = re.compile(r'([MLHVCSQTAZmlhvcsqtaz])([^MLHVCSQTAZmlhvcsqtaz]*)')
NONE = lambda obj: obj is not None

class InvalidPath(ValueError):
    """Raised when given an invalid path string"""

class PathCommand(object):
    Base class of all path commands

    # Number of arguments that follow this path commands letter
    nargs = -1

    # The full name of the segment (i.e. Line, Arc, etc)
    name = classproperty(lambda cls: cls.__name__)

    # The single letter representation of this command (i.e. L, A, etc)
    letter = classproperty(lambda cls:[0])

    # The implicit next command. This is for automatic chains where the next command
    # isn't given, just a bunch on numbers which we automatically parse.
    def next_command(self):
        return self

    def is_relative(self):  # type: () -> bool
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_absolute(self):  # type: () -> bool
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> RelativePathCommand
        """Return absolute counterpart for absolute commands or copy for relative"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> AbsolutePathCommand
        """Return relative counterpart for relative commands or copy for absolute"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    # The precision of the numbers when converting to string
    number_template = "{:.6g}"

    # Maps single letter path command to corresponding class
    # (filled at the bottom of file, when all classes already defined)
    _letter_to_class = {}

    def letter_to_class(letter):
        """Returns class for given path command letter"""
        return PathCommand._letter_to_class[letter]

    def args(self):  # type: () -> List[float]
        """Returns path command arguments as tuple of floats"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        """Returns list of path command control points"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _argt(cls, sep):
        return sep.join([cls.number_template] * cls.nargs)

    def __str__(self):
        return "{} {}".format(self.letter, self._argt(" ").format(*self.args)).strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{{}}({})".format(self._argt(", ")).format(, *self.args)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        previous = Vector2d()
        if type(self) == type(other):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
            return self.args == other.args
        if isinstance(other, tuple):
            return self.args == other
        if not isinstance(other, PathCommand):
            raise ValueError("Can't compare types")
            if self.is_relative == other.is_relative:
                return self.to_curve(previous) == other.to_curve(previous)
        except ValueError:
        return False

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        """Returns last control point of path command"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        # type: (Vector2d, List[Vector2d], BoundingBox) -> None
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        Enlarges given bbox to contain path element.

        :param (tuple of float) first: first point of path. Required to calculate Z segment
        :param (list of tuple) last_two_points: list with last two control points in abs coords.
         Updated at the end of call.
        :param (BoundingBox) bbox: bounding box to update
        raise NotImplementedError("Bounding box is not implemented for {}".format(

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        """Convert command to :py:class:`Curve`
        Curve().to_curve() returns a copy
        raise NotImplementedError("To curve not supported for {}".format(

    def to_curves(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> List[Curve]
        """Convert command to list of :py:class:`Curve` commands """
        return [self.to_curve(prev, prev_prev)]

class RelativePathCommand(PathCommand):
    Abstract base class for relative path commands.

    Implements most of methods of :py:class:`PathCommand` through
    conversion to :py:class:`AbsolutePathCommand`

    def is_relative(self):
        return True

    def is_absolute(self):
        return False

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        return self.to_absolute(prev).control_points(first, prev, prev_prev)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (T, Vector2d) -> T
        return self.__class__(*self.args)

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        self.to_absolute(last_two_points[-1]).update_bounding_box(first, last_two_points, bbox)

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return self.to_absolute(prev).end_point(first, prev)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> "Curve"
        return self.to_absolute(prev).to_curve(prev)

    def to_curves(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> List["Curve"]
        return self.to_absolute(prev).to_curves(prev, prev_prev)

class AbsolutePathCommand(PathCommand):
    Absolute path command. Unlike :py:class:`RelativePathCommand` can be transformed directly.

    def is_relative(self):
        return False

    def is_absolute(self):
        return True

    def to_absolute(self, previous):  # type: (T, Vector2d) -> T
        return self.__class__(*self.args)

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        """Returns new transformed segment

        :param transform: a transformation to apply
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def rotate(self, degrees, center):  # type: (T, float, Vector2d) -> T
        Returns new transformed segment

        :param degrees: rotation angle in degrees
        :param center: invariant point of rotation
        return self.transform(Transform(rotate=(degrees, center[0], center[1])))

    def translate(self, dr):  # type: (T, Vector2d) -> T
        """Translate or scale this path command by dr"""
        return self.transform(Transform(translate=dr))

    def scale(self, factor):  # type: (T, Union[float, Tuple[float,float]]) -> T
        """Returns new transformed segment

        :param factor: scale or (scale_x, scale_y)
        return self.transform(Transform(scale=factor))

class Line(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Line segment"""

    nargs = 2

    def args(self):
        return self.x, self.y

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        bbox += BoundingBox((last_two_points[-1].x, self.x), (last_two_points[-1].y, self.y))
        last_two_points[-1] = Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> line
        return line(self.x - prev.x, self.y - prev.y)

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        return Line(*transform.apply_to_point((self.x, self.y)))

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        return Curve(prev.x, prev.y, self.x, self.y, self.x, self.y)

class line(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative line segment"""

    nargs = 2

    def args(self):
        return self.dx, self.dy

    def __init__(self, dx, dy):
        self.dx = dx
        self.dy = dy

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Line
        return Line(prev.x + self.dx, prev.y + self.dy)

class Move(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Move pen segment without a line"""

    nargs = 2
    next_command = Line

    def args(self):
        return self.x, self.y

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        bbox += BoundingBox(self.x, self.y)
        last_two_points[-1] = Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> move
        return move(self.x - prev.x, self.y - prev.y)

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        return Move(*transform.apply_to_point((self.x, self.y)))

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        raise ValueError("Move segments can not be changed into curves.")

class move(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative move segment"""

    nargs = 2
    next_command = line

    def args(self):
        return self.dx, self.dy

    def __init__(self, dx, dy):
        self.dx = dx
        self.dy = dy

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Move
        return Move(prev.x + self.dx, prev.y + self.dy)

class ZoneClose(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Close segment to finish a path"""
    nargs = 0
    next_command = Move

    def args(self):
        return ()

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        last_two_points[-1] = first

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        return ZoneClose()

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield first

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> zoneClose
        return zoneClose()

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return first

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        raise ValueError("ZoneClose segments can not be changed into curves.")

class zoneClose(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Same as above (svg says no difference)"""

    nargs = 0
    next_command = Move

    def args(self):
        return ()

    def to_absolute(self, prev):
        return ZoneClose()

class Horz(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Horizontal Line segment"""
    nargs = 1

    def args(self):
        return self.x,

    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        bbox += BoundingBox((last_two_points[-1].x, self.x), last_two_points[-1].y)
        last_two_points[-1] = Vector2d(self.x, last_two_points[-1].y)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(self.x, prev.y)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> horz
        return horz(self.x - prev.x)

    def transform(self, transformation):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        raise ValueError("Horizontal lines can't be transformed directly.")

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(self.x, prev.y)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        """Convert a horizontal line into a curve"""
        return self.to_line(prev).to_curve(prev)

    def to_line(self, prev): # type: (Vector2d) -> Line
        """Return this path command as a Line instead"""
        return Line(self.x, prev.y)

class horz(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative horz line segment"""

    nargs = 1

    def args(self):
        return self.dx,

    def __init__(self, dx):
        self.dx = dx

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Horz
        return Horz(prev.x + self.dx)

    def to_line(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Line
        """Return this path command as a Line instead"""
        return Line(prev.x + self.dx, prev.y)

class Vert(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Vertical Line segment"""

    nargs = 1

    def args(self):
        return self.y,

    def __init__(self, y):
        self.y = y

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        bbox += BoundingBox(last_two_points[-1].x, (last_two_points[-1].y, self.y))
        last_two_points[-1] = Vector2d(last_two_points[-1].x, self.y)

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        raise ValueError("Vertical lines can't be transformed directly.")

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(prev.x, self.y)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> vert
        return vert(self.y - prev.y)

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(prev.x, self.y)

    def to_line(self, prev): # type: (Vector2d) -> Line
        """Return this path command as a line instead"""
        return Line(prev.x, self.y)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        """Convert a horizontal line into a curve"""
        return self.to_line(prev).to_curve(prev)

class vert(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative vertical line segment"""

    nargs = 1

    def args(self):
        return self.dy,

    def __init__(self, dy):
        self.dy = dy

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Vert
        return Vert(prev.y + self.dy)

    def to_line(self, prev): # type: (Vector2d) -> Line
        """Return this path command as a line instead"""
        return Line(prev.x, prev.y + self.dy)

class Curve(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Absolute Curved Line segment"""
    nargs = 6

    def args(self):
        return self.x2, self.y2, self.x3, self.y3, self.x4, self.y4

    def __init__(self, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4):
        self.x2 = x2
        self.y2 = y2

        self.x3 = x3
        self.y3 = y3

        self.x4 = x4
        self.y4 = y4

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        from .transforms import cubic_extrema

        x1, x2, x3, x4 = last_two_points[-1].x, self.x2, self.x3, self.x4
        y1, y2, y3, y4 = last_two_points[-1].y, self.y2, self.y3, self.y4

        if not (x1 in bbox.x and
                x2 in bbox.x and
                x3 in bbox.x and
                x4 in bbox.x):
            bbox.x += cubic_extrema(x1, x2, x3, x4)

        if not (y1 in bbox.y and 
                y2 in bbox.y and
                y3 in bbox.y and
                y4 in bbox.y):
            bbox.y += cubic_extrema(y1, y2, y3, y4)

        last_two_points[-2] = Vector2d(x3, y3)
        last_two_points[-1] = Vector2d(x4, y4)

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        x2, y2 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x2, self.y2))
        x3, y3 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x3, self.y3))
        x4, y4 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x4, self.y4))
        return Curve(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(self.x2, self.y2)
        yield Vector2d(self.x3, self.y3)
        yield Vector2d(self.x4, self.y4)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> curve
        return curve(
            self.x2 - prev.x, self.y2 - prev.y,
            self.x3 - prev.x, self.y3 - prev.y,
            self.x4 - prev.x, self.y4 - prev.y

    def end_point(self, first, prev):
        return Vector2d(self.x4, self.y4)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        """No conversion needed, pass-through, returns self"""
        prev_prev.x, prev_prev.y = self.x3, self.y3
        return Curve(*self.args)

class curve(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative curved line segment"""
    nargs = 6

    def args(self):
        return self.dx2, self.dy2, self.dx3, self.dy3, self.dx4, self.dy4

    def __init__(self, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3, dx4, dy4):
        self.dx2 = dx2
        self.dy2 = dy2

        self.dx3 = dx3
        self.dy3 = dy3

        self.dx4 = dx4
        self.dy4 = dy4

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Curve
        return Curve(
            self.dx2 + prev.x, self.dy2 + prev.y,
            self.dx3 + prev.x, self.dy3 + prev.y,
            self.dx4 + prev.x, self.dy4 + prev.y

class Smooth(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Absolute Smoothed Curved Line segment"""
    nargs = 4

    def args(self):
        return self.x3, self.y3, self.x4, self.y4

    def __init__(self, x3, y3, x4, y4):

        self.x3 = x3
        self.y3 = y3

        self.x4 = x4
        self.y4 = y4

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        self.to_curve(last_two_points[-1], last_two_points[-2]).update_bounding_box(first, last_two_points, bbox)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]

        x1, x2, x3, x4 = prev_prev.x, prev.x, self.x3, self.x4
        y1, y2, y3, y4 = prev_prev.y, prev.y, self.y3, self.y4

        # infer reflected point
        x2 = 2 * x2 - x1
        y2 = 2 * y2 - y1

        yield Vector2d(x2, y2)
        yield Vector2d(x3, y3)
        yield Vector2d(x4, y4)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> smooth
        return smooth(
            self.x3 - prev.x, self.y3 - prev.y,
            self.x4 - prev.x, self.y4 - prev.y

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        x3, y3 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x3, self.y3))
        x4, y4 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x4, self.y4))
        return Smooth(x3, y3, x4, y4)

    def end_point(self, first, prev):
        return Vector2d(self.x4, self.y4)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        Convert this Smooth curve to a regular curve by creating a mirror
        set of nodes based on the previous node. Previous should be a curve.
        (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4) = self.control_points(prev, prev, prev_prev)
        prev_prev.x, prev_prev.y = self.x3, self.y3
        return Curve(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)

class smooth(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative smoothed curved line segment"""
    nargs = 4

    def args(self):
        return self.dx3, self.dy3, self.dx4, self.dy4

    def __init__(self, dx3, dy3, dx4, dy4):
        self.dx3 = dx3
        self.dy3 = dy3

        self.dx4 = dx4
        self.dy4 = dy4

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Smooth
        return Smooth(
            self.dx3 + prev.x, self.dy3 + prev.y,
            self.dx4 + prev.x, self.dy4 + prev.y

class Quadratic(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Absolute Quadratic Curved Line segment"""
    nargs = 4

    def args(self):
        return self.x2, self.y2, self.x3, self.y3

    def __init__(self, x2, y2, x3, y3):

        self.x2 = x2
        self.y2 = y2

        self.x3 = x3
        self.y3 = y3

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        from .transforms import quadratic_extrema

        x1, x2, x3 = last_two_points[-1].x, self.x2, self.x3
        y1, y2, y3 = last_two_points[-1].y, self.y2, self.y3

        if not (x1 in bbox.x and
                x2 in bbox.x and
                x3 in bbox.x):
            bbox.x += quadratic_extrema(x1, x2, x3)

        if not (y1 in bbox.y and
                y2 in bbox.y and
                y3 in bbox.y):
            bbox.y += quadratic_extrema(y1, y2, y3)

        last_two_points[-2] = Vector2d(x2, y2)
        last_two_points[-1] = Vector2d(x3, y3)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(self.x2, self.y2)
        yield Vector2d(self.x3, self.y3)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> quadratic
        return quadratic(
            self.x2 - prev.x, self.y2 - prev.y,
            self.x3 - prev.x, self.y3 - prev.y

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        x2, y2 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x2, self.y2))
        x3, y3 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x3, self.y3))
        return Quadratic(x2, y2, x3, y3)

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(self.x3, self.y3)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        """Attempt to convert a quadratic to a curve"""
        prev = Vector2d(prev)
        x1 = 1. / 3 * prev.x + 2. / 3 * self.x2
        x2 = 2. / 3 * self.x2 + 1. / 3 * self.x3
        y1 = 1. / 3 * prev.y + 2. / 3 * self.y2
        y2 = 2. / 3 * self.y2 + 1. / 3 * self.y3
        prev_prev.x, prev_prev.y = self.x2, self.y2
        return Curve(x1, y1, x2, y2, self.x3, self.y3)

class quadratic(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative quadratic line segment"""
    nargs = 4

    def args(self):
        return self.dx2, self.dy2, self.dx3, self.dy3

    def __init__(self, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3):
        self.dx2 = dx2
        self.dx3 = dx3
        self.dy2 = dy2
        self.dy3 = dy3

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> Quadratic
        return Quadratic(
            self.dx2 + prev.x, self.dy2 + prev.y,
            self.dx3 + prev.x, self.dy3 + prev.y

class TepidQuadratic(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Continued Quadratic Line segment"""
    nargs = 2

    def args(self):
        return self.x3, self.y3

    def __init__(self, x3, y3):
        self.x3 = x3
        self.y3 = y3

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        self.to_quadratic(last_two_points[-1], last_two_points[-2]).update_bounding_box(first, last_two_points, bbox)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]

        x1, x2, x3 = prev_prev.x, prev.x, self.x3
        y1, y2, y3 = prev_prev.y, prev.y, self.y3

        # infer reflected point
        x2 = 2 * x2 - x1
        y2 = 2 * y2 - y1

        yield Vector2d(x2, y2)
        yield Vector2d(x3, y3)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> tepidQuadratic
        return tepidQuadratic(
            self.x3 - prev.x, self.y3 - prev.y

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        x3, y3 = transform.apply_to_point((self.x3, self.y3))
        return TepidQuadratic(x3, y3)

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(self.x3, self.y3)

    def to_curve(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Optional[Vector2d]) -> Curve
        return self.to_quadratic(prev, prev_prev).to_curve(prev)

    def to_quadratic(self, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Quadratic
        Convert this continued quadratic into a full quadratic
        (x2, y2), (x3, y3) = self.control_points(prev, prev, prev_prev)
        prev_prev.x, prev_prev.y = x2, y2
        return Quadratic(x2, y2, x3, y3)

class tepidQuadratic(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative continued quadratic line segment"""
    nargs = 2

    def args(self):
        return self.dx3, self.dy3

    def __init__(self, dx3, dy3):
        self.dx3 = dx3
        self.dy3 = dy3

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> TepidQuadratic
        return TepidQuadratic(
            self.dx3 + prev.x, self.dy3 + prev.y

class Arc(AbsolutePathCommand):
    """Special Arc segment"""
    nargs = 7

    def args(self):
        return self.rx, self.ry, self.x_axis_rotation, self.large_arc, self.sweep, self.x, self.y

    def __init__(self, rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc, sweep, x, y):
        self.rx = rx
        self.ry = ry
        self.x_axis_rotation = x_axis_rotation
        self.large_arc = large_arc
        self.sweep = sweep
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def update_bounding_box(self, first, last_two_points, bbox):
        for seg in self.to_curves(prev=last_two_points[-1]):
            seg.update_bounding_box(first, last_two_points, bbox)

    def control_points(self, first, prev, prev_prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Vector2d]
        yield Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

    def to_curves(self, prev, prev_prev=Vector2d()):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> List[Curve]
        """Convert this arc into bezier curves"""
        path = CubicSuperPath([arc_to_path(list(prev), self.args)]).to_path()
        prev_prev.x, prev_prev.y = path[-1].x3, path[-1].y3
        # Ignore the first move command from to_path()
        return list(path)[1:]

    def transform(self, transform):  # type: (T, Transform) -> T
        x_, y_ = transform.apply_to_point((self.x, self.y))

        T = transform  # type: Transform
        if self.x_axis_rotation != 0:
            T = T * Transform(rotate=self.x_axis_rotation)
        a, c, b, d, _, _ = list(T.to_hexad())
        # T = | a b |
        #     | c d |

        detT = a * d - b * c
        detT2 = detT ** 2

        rx = float(self.rx)
        ry = float(self.ry)

        if rx == 0.0 or ry == 0.0 or detT2 == 0.0:
            # invalid Arc parameters
            # transform only last point
            return Arc(self.rx, self.ry, self.x_axis_rotation, self.large_arc, self.sweep, x_, y_)

        A = (d ** 2 / rx ** 2 + c ** 2 / ry ** 2) / detT2
        B = - (d * b / rx ** 2 + c * a / ry ** 2) / detT2
        D = (b ** 2 / rx ** 2 + a ** 2 / ry ** 2) / detT2

        theta = atan2(-2 * B, D - A) / 2
        theta_deg = theta * 180.0 / pi
        DA = (D - A)
        l2 = 4 * B ** 2 + DA ** 2

        if l2 == 0:
            delta = 0
            delta = 0.5 * (-DA ** 2 - 4 * B ** 2) / sqrt(l2)

        half = (A + D) / 2

        rx_ = 1.0 / sqrt(half + delta)
        ry_ = 1.0 / sqrt(half - delta)

        x_, y_ = transform.apply_to_point((self.x, self.y))

        if detT > 0:
            sweep = self.sweep
            sweep = 0 if self.sweep>0 else 1

        return Arc(rx_, ry_, theta_deg, self.large_arc, sweep, x_, y_)

    def to_relative(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> arc
        return arc(self.rx, self.ry, self.x_axis_rotation, self.large_arc, self.sweep, self.x - prev.x, self.y - prev.y)

    def end_point(self, first, prev):  # type: (Vector2d, Vector2d) -> Vector2d
        return Vector2d(self.x, self.y)

class arc(RelativePathCommand):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    """Relative Arc line segment"""

    nargs = 7

    def args(self):
        return self.rx, self.ry, self.x_axis_rotation, self.large_arc, self.sweep, self.dx, self.dy

    def __init__(self, rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc, sweep, dx, dy):
        self.rx = rx
        self.ry = ry
        self.x_axis_rotation = x_axis_rotation
        self.large_arc = large_arc
        self.sweep = sweep
        self.dx = dx
        self.dy = dy

    def to_absolute(self, prev):  # type: (Vector2d) -> "Arc"
        x1, y1 = prev
        return Arc(self.rx, self.ry, self.x_axis_rotation, self.large_arc, self.sweep, self.dx + x1, self.dy + y1)

PathCommand._letter_to_class = {
    "M": Move,
    "L": Line,
    "V": Vert,
    "H": Horz,
    "A": Arc,
    "C": Curve,
    "S": Smooth,
    "Z": ZoneClose,
    "Q": Quadratic,
    "T": TepidQuadratic,
    "m": move,
    "l": line,
    "v": vert,
    "h": horz,
    "a": arc,
    "c": curve,
    "s": smooth,
    "z": zoneClose,
    "q": quadratic,
    "t": tepidQuadratic

[docs]class Path(list): """A list of segment commands which combine to draw a shape""" def __init__(self, path_d=None): super(Path, self).__init__() if isinstance(path_d, str): # Returns a generator returning PathCommand objects path_d = self.parse_string(path_d) elif isinstance(path_d, CubicSuperPath): path_d = path_d.to_path() for item in (path_d or ()): if isinstance(item, PathCommand): self.append(item) elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)) and len(item) == 2: if isinstance(item[1], (list, tuple)): self.append(PathCommand.letter_to_class(item[0])(*item[1])) else: self.append(Line(*item))
[docs] @classmethod def parse_string(cls, path_d): """Parse a path string and generate segment objects""" for cmd, numbers in LEX_REX.findall(path_d): args = list(strargs(numbers)) cmd = PathCommand.letter_to_class(cmd) i = 0 while i < len(args) or cmd.nargs == 0: seg = cmd(*args[i:i + cmd.nargs]) i += cmd.nargs cmd = seg.next_command yield seg
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """Return the top,left and bottom,right coords""" bbox = BoundingBox() abspath = self.to_absolute() if len(abspath) > 0: assert isinstance(abspath[0], Move) first = Vector2d(abspath[0].x, abspath[0].y) prev_points = [Vector2d(0, 0), first] bbox += BoundingBox(abspath[0].x, abspath[0].y) for seg in abspath[1:]: seg.update_bounding_box(first, prev_points, bbox) return bbox
[docs] def append(self, cmd): """Append a command to this path including any chained commands""" if isinstance(cmd, list): self.extend(cmd) elif isinstance(cmd, PathCommand): super(Path, self).append(cmd)
[docs] def translate(self, x, y, inplace=False): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Move all coords in this path by the given amount""" return self.transform(Transform(translate=(x, y)), inplace=inplace)
[docs] def scale(self, x, y, inplace=False): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Scale all coords in this path by the given amounts""" return self.transform(Transform(scale=(x, y)), inplace=inplace)
[docs] def rotate(self, deg, center=None, inplace=False): """Rotate the path around the given point""" if center is None: # Default center is center of bbox bbox = self.bounding_box() if bbox: center = else: center = Vector2d() center = Vector2d(center) return self.transform(Transform(rotate=(deg, center.x, center.y)), inplace=inplace)
@property def control_points(self): prev = Vector2d() prev_prev = Vector2d() first = Vector2d() for i, seg in enumerate(self): # type: PathCommand if i == 0: first = seg.end_point(first, prev) for cp in seg.control_points(first, prev, prev_prev): prev_prev = prev prev = cp yield cp @property def end_points(self): prev = Vector2d() first = Vector2d() for i, seg in enumerate(self): # type: PathCommand if i == 0: first = seg.end_point(first, prev) end_point = seg.end_point(first, prev) prev = end_point yield end_point
[docs] def transform(self, transform, inplace=False): """Convert to new path""" result = Path() previous = Vector2d() previous_new = Vector2d() first = Vector2d() for i, seg in enumerate(self): # type: PathCommand if i == 0: first = seg.end_point(first, previous) if isinstance(seg, (horz, Horz, Vert, vert)): seg = seg.to_line(previous) if seg.is_relative: new_seg = seg.to_absolute(previous).transform(transform).to_relative(previous_new) else: new_seg = seg.transform(transform) if inplace: self[i] = new_seg else: result.append(new_seg) previous = seg.end_point(first, previous) previous_new = new_seg.end_point(first, previous_new) if inplace: return self else: return result
[docs] def reverse(self): """Returns a reversed path""" pass
[docs] def to_absolute(self): """Convert this path to use only absolute coordinates""" abspath = Path() previous = Vector2d() first = Vector2d() for i, seg in enumerate(self): # type: PathCommand if i == 0: first = seg.end_point(first, previous) abspath.append(seg.to_absolute(previous)) previous = seg.end_point(first, previous) return abspath
[docs] def to_relative(self): """Convert this path to use only relative coordinates""" abspath = Path() previous = Vector2d() first = Vector2d() for i, seg in enumerate(self): # type: PathCommand if i == 0: first = seg.end_point(first, previous) abspath.append(seg.to_relative(previous)) previous = seg.end_point(first, previous) return abspath
def __str__(self): return " ".join([str(seg) for seg in self]) def __add__(self, other): acopy = copy.deepcopy(self) if isinstance(other, str): other = Path(other) if isinstance(other, list): acopy.extend(other) return acopy
[docs] def to_arrays(self): """Returns path in format of parsePath output, returning arrays of absolute command data .. deprecated:: 1.0 This is compatibility function for older API. Should not be used in new code """ return [[seg.letter, list(seg.args)] for seg in self.to_absolute()]
[docs] def to_superpath(self): """Convert this path into a cubic super path""" return CubicSuperPath(self)
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs]class CubicSuperPath(list): """ A conversion of a path into a predictable list of cubic curves which can be operated on as a list of simplified instructions. When converting back into a path, all lines, arcs etc will be coverted to curve instructions. Structure is held as [SubPath[(point_a, bezier, point_b), ...]], ...] """ def __init__(self, items): super(CubicSuperPath, self).__init__() self._closed = True self._prev = Vector2d() self._prev_prev = Vector2d() if isinstance(items, str): items = Path(items) if isinstance(items, Path): items = items.to_absolute() for item in items: self.append(item) def __str__(self): return str(self.to_path())
[docs] def append(self, item): """Accept multiple different formats for the data""" if isinstance(item, list) and len(item) == 2 and isinstance(item[0], str): item = PathCommand.letter_to_class(item[0])(*item[1]) is_quadratic = False if isinstance(item, PathCommand): if isinstance(item, Move): item = [list(item.args), list(item.args), list(item.args)] elif isinstance(item, ZoneClose) and self and self[-1]: # This duplicates the first segment to 'close' the path, it's appended directly # because we don't want to last coord to change for the final segment. self[-1].append([self[-1][0][0][:], self[-1][0][1][:], self[-1][0][2][:]]) # Then adds a new subpath for the next shape (if any) self.closed = True self._prev.assign(self._first) return elif isinstance(item, Arc): # Arcs are made up of three curves (approximated) for arc_curve in item.to_curves(self._prev, self._prev_prev): x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = arc_curve.args self.append([[x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]]) return else: is_quadratic = isinstance(item, (Quadratic, TepidQuadratic, quadratic, tepidQuadratic)) if isinstance(item, (Horz, Vert)): item = item.to_line(self._prev) item = item.to_curve(self._prev, self._prev_prev) if isinstance(item, Curve): # Curves are cut into three tuples for the super path. item = [list(item.args[:2]), list(item.args[2:4]), list(item.args[4:6])] if not isinstance(item, list): raise ValueError("Unknown super curve item type: {}".format(item)) if len(item) != 3 or not all([len(bit) == 2 for bit in item]): # The item is already a subpath (usually from some other process) if len(item[0]) == 3 and all([len(bit) == 2 for bit in item[0]]): super(CubicSuperPath, self).append(item) self._prev_prev = Vector2d(self[-1][-1][0]) self._prev = Vector2d(self[-1][-1][1]) return raise ValueError("Unknown super curve list format: {}".format(item)) if self._closed: # Closed means that the previous segment is closed so we need a new one # We always append to the last open segment. CSP starts out closed. self._closed = False super(CubicSuperPath, self).append([]) if self[-1]: # The last tuple is replaced, it's the coords of where the next segment will land. self[-1][-1][-1] = item[0][:] # The last coord is duplicated, but is expected to be replaced self[-1].append(item[1:] + copy.deepcopy(item)[-1:]) self._prev = Vector2d(self[-1][-1][1]) if not is_quadratic: self._prev_prev = Vector2d(self[-1][-1][0])
@property def _first(self): try: return Vector2d(self[-1][0][0]) except IndexError: return Vector2d()
[docs] def to_path(self): """Convert the super path back to an svg path""" return Path(list(self.to_segments()))
[docs] def to_segments(self): """Generate a set of segments for this cubic super path""" for subpath in self: previous = [] for segment in subpath: if not previous: yield Move(*segment[1][:]) else: yield Curve(*(previous[2][:] + segment[0][:] + segment[1][:])) previous = segment
[docs] def transform(self, transform): """Apply a transformation matrix to this super path""" return self.to_path().transform(transform).to_superpath()
def arc_to_path(point, params): """Approximates an arc with cubic bezier segments. Arguments: point: Starting point (absolute coords) params: Arcs parameters as per Returns a list of triplets of points : [control_point_before, node, control_point_after] (first and last returned triplets are [p1, p1, *] and [*, p2, p2]) """ A = point[:] rx, ry, teta, longflag, sweepflag, x2, y2 = params[:] teta = teta * pi / 180.0 B = [x2, y2] # Degenerate ellipse if rx == 0 or ry == 0 or A == B: return [[A[:], A[:], A[:]], [B[:], B[:], B[:]]] # turn coordinates so that the ellipse morph into a *unit circle* (not 0-centered) mat = matprod((rotmat(teta), [[1.0 / rx, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0 / ry]], rotmat(-teta))) applymat(mat, A) applymat(mat, B) k = [-(B[1] - A[1]), B[0] - A[0]] d = k[0] * k[0] + k[1] * k[1] k[0] /= sqrt(d) k[1] /= sqrt(d) d = sqrt(max(0, 1 - d / 4.0)) # k is the unit normal to AB vector, pointing to center O # d is distance from center to AB segment (distance from O to the midpoint of AB) # for the last line, remember this is a unit circle, and kd vector is ortogonal to AB (Pythagorean thm) if longflag == sweepflag: # top-right ellipse in SVG example d *= -1 O = [(B[0] + A[0]) / 2.0 + d * k[0], (B[1] + A[1]) / 2.0 + d * k[1]] OA = [A[0] - O[0], A[1] - O[1]] OB = [B[0] - O[0], B[1] - O[1]] start = acos(OA[0] / norm(OA)) if OA[1] < 0: start *= -1 end = acos(OB[0] / norm(OB)) if OB[1] < 0: end *= -1 # start and end are the angles from center of the circle to A and to B respectively if sweepflag and start > end: end += 2 * pi if (not sweepflag) and start < end: end -= 2 * pi NbSectors = int(abs(start - end) * 2 / pi) + 1 dTeta = (end - start) / NbSectors v = 4 * tan(dTeta / 4.) / 3. # I would use v = tan(dTeta/2)*4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3 ? p = [] for i in range(0, NbSectors + 1, 1): angle = start + i * dTeta v1 = [O[0] + cos(angle) - (-v) * sin(angle), O[1] + sin(angle) + (-v) * cos(angle)] pt = [O[0] + cos(angle), O[1] + sin(angle)] v2 = [O[0] + cos(angle) - v * sin(angle), O[1] + sin(angle) + v * cos(angle)] p.append([v1, pt, v2]) p[0][0] = p[0][1][:] p[-1][2] = p[-1][1][:] # go back to the original coordinate system mat = matprod((rotmat(teta), [[rx, 0], [0, ry]], rotmat(-teta))) for pts in p: applymat(mat, pts[0]) applymat(mat, pts[1]) applymat(mat, pts[2]) return p def matprod(mlist): """Get the product of the mat""" prod = mlist[0] for mat in mlist[1:]: a00 = prod[0][0] * mat[0][0] + prod[0][1] * mat[1][0] a01 = prod[0][0] * mat[0][1] + prod[0][1] * mat[1][1] a10 = prod[1][0] * mat[0][0] + prod[1][1] * mat[1][0] a11 = prod[1][0] * mat[0][1] + prod[1][1] * mat[1][1] prod = [[a00, a01], [a10, a11]] return prod def rotmat(teta): """Rotate the mat""" return [[cos(teta), -sin(teta)], [sin(teta), cos(teta)]] def applymat(mat, point): """Apply the given mat""" x = mat[0][0] * point[0] + mat[0][1] * point[1] y = mat[1][0] * point[0] + mat[1][1] * point[1] point[0] = x point[1] = y def norm(point): """Normalise""" return sqrt(point[0] * point[0] + point[1] * point[1])